Jason Meyer: Each project that we do, the customers can expect a high quality product and guys working safely doing so which benefits all parties involved.
Gatch Employee: Gatch is one of the best contractors in town because of our people, our technicians are highly skilled, they've been doing this a very long time and we keep up with the required training.
Jimmy Gatch: I formed Gatch Electrical in June of '98. The mission to do quality work and focus on Industrial government work, wastewater treatment plants.
Jason Meyer: We do a lot of medical, health care type work at down at MUSC and some other
Jimmy Gatch: We really push for quality and customer satisfaction, as a result we've enjoyed a lot of repeat business.
Gatch Employee: We serve the Charleston area, Summerville, Hilton Head.
Jason Meyer: We kind of feel like we're not too small for the big jobs but we're also not not
too big to do the small ones either. That's kind of our sweet spot, we treat each job we do with the same you know type mentality, no matter what the size. In the office here we've got a great
group of people and we work real well together and take a lot of pride in teamwork.
Jimmy Gatch: The office personnel is still some of the first hires I ever made. I'm very very pleased that we were able, number one able to acquire this type of talent, and furthermore how they've developed and what a great job they do.
Jason Meyer: So many times you see a finished product of a building and you really lose sight of just what goes in to making it all come together behind the scenes and in the construction process.
Jimmy Gatch: A lot of what we do is out of sight and maybe out of mind for a lot of folks, but without any of the parts of the puzzle you know the building is not going to function as it's intended.
Jason Meyer: And it's really cool to see it all come together from beginning to end on a project and just knowing how much work that our group of guys put into it to make the product you know, great.